Friday, May 17, 2019

Arturo Benitez Texas state and local government.: Blog assignment 7

Arturo Benitez Texas state and local government.: Blog assignment 7:    In an article by Mike Moses from The Statesman post. The author addresses such issue over funding public education without constraining ...

My Comment!

 I agree that some public schools in Texas could use extra funds but I dont feel as if Texas is labeled a great state because of the amount of funds Texas gives to public schools. Texas is a great state because it has produced the most oil and natural gas of all the states. Texas is also one of the largest states in America, Texas has always had an outsize economic impact. Besides oil and gas production, Texas has been an agricultural powerhouse for cash crops such as cattle and cotton. These are all the reasons that I consider Texas a great state. I believe your comment was a bit dramatic!   I would love for schools to get more funds but your tactics are incorrect. You are blaming the wrong people instead of looking at who is in the office, start thinking about who put them in office?  After looking at my parents home and how much they pay in taxes at the end of the year to the school.  It amazed me the richer the area the better the school because they pay more in taxes than people in a low income/middle-class income. I’ve noticed how big and nice high schools are in better areas compared to the high schools in poor areas. If Texas was to give more funds for public schools that need it I bet they would take more money from the people that are in the school zone for taxes and the end of the year. Is that really what u want? The poor people get a bigger portion taken out of their taxes for the school that their children may or may not attend. In my opinion at the end of the day, we all get taught the same material AP and Dual Credit class are offered to all students.

Monday, May 13, 2019

            On  May 13, 2019  Ashley Goudeau posted on KVUE about “  Survivors of sexual abuse by former

USA Gymnastics team doctor Larry Nassar testified at the Texas Capitol on Monday, asking

lawmakers to pass a bill extending the statute of limitations for civil lawsuits against abusers and the

 organizations that employ them from 15 years after the survivor's 18th birthday to 30 years” (Ashley Goudeau).

 Extending the time frame for prosecution will give sexual abuse victims time to come forward.

With most women coming forward about sexual abuse in their mid-40s and 50s, this bill would help

those, as of right now women would have to come forward before she's 34. House Bill 3809 (HB 3809)

 already passed in the House of Representatives, but was changed during the debate to take out organizations and companies that employ abusers.

 Ashley wrote this article to people that have been sexually abused and that women that were victims

are coming together to pass a law for the everyone that knew or was apart of it will be sentenced as

well. The three gymnasts are asking lawmakers to pass this bill extending the statute of limitations for

lawsuits against abusers and the organizations that employ them the law would help hold organization

and companies accountable for covering up sexual abuse. I strongly agree with Ashley, the house bill

3809 should be passed. I think the bill will give sexual abuse victims enough time as well as

encouragement to come forward. I hope these three brave gymnastic have encouraged sexual abuse

victims around the world to stand up for themselves and give them reinsurance that it's okay to come

forward even if they think it's too late.

Friday, May 3, 2019

On April 4th, 2019 Jennifer Kendall posted an article (FOX 7 Austin) about how A bill filed in the Texas legislature would create some restrictions on electric scooters throughout the state. Senate Bill 549 would set some basic scooter laws and allow cities to create more restrictive policies if they so choose. The bill would require riders to be at least 16-years-old with a driver's license with a regulated parking spot for scooters. I would like to believe that the police department has better work to attend instead of pulling citizens over to check for their driver's license before getting on a scooter.  Or even filling out paperwork for giving a child a ticket for riding an electrical scooter. The idea of going to court for a scooter ticket would be absurd and unnecessary when u can ride an electric motorcycle when children ride electric kid cars at ages 2-7. The scooters will also have a speed limit of 15mph. I do not support a speed limit because bikes can go up to 25mph and even faster if going downhill. Electric Scooters were made for peoples enjoyment as well as efficiency. With a speed limit, the scooter will not be as Efficient.  I support the idea of wanting to keep our citizens safe, but I’ve taken bikers into consideration. Bikers tend to go over 15 miles per hour and could also be in danger, as well as the scooter riders but, are not required to have a license or to be 16-years-old to ride a bike. In comparison to bikers, I would consider this a double standard. I do approve of the ideological theory of having regulated parking spots for scooters. Scooters have been thrown down and misplaced all over the cites. Regulated parking spots will also benefit scooter companies by allowing the workers to pick the scooter up in a more efficient way.