Tuesday, February 12, 2019

In a February 6, 2019 article titled “ Trump said El Paso was a crime-ridden disaster before the border wall. The mayor says he’s wrong,“ The president of the United States Donald Trump literature false information about how dangerous  El Paso, Texas to support is chosen to build a wall. Donald Trump not only used fail information to get citizens on board with his plan for the wall but he chooses a more sympathetic word to call the wall “barrier” while also claiming El Paso “most dangerous” cities in the country to pull the heart string of his audience. Donald Trump goal was to portray El Paso to be a city that it is not so people actually feel that the only way El Paso could be a safe city is by building a wall. The article is definitely worth reading. Citizens of the United States should be aware of what Lengths Trump will go through to get his wall. The article reveals the type of person Trump is, he has no integrity. Trump is a selfish person to put the United States in debt and cause a government shutdown. Makes the reader's question is there a necessary need for a wall if the President cannot even provide factual evidence why we actually need a wall. The article might also, make some of the readers from Texas laugh. Most Texans were aware that El Paso Texas is not “most dangerous” cities or even dangerous at all.

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